Adeel Razi – Bio-sketch

Brief Biography

Adeel Razi is Professor at the Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health, School of Psychological Sciences and Monash Data Futures Institute at the Monash University, Australia. He is a computational neuroscientist who uses both mathematical and experimental methods for his investigations. He leads a highly cross-disciplinary laboratory doing research combining engineering, physics, and machine-learning approaches to answer questions that are motivated by and grounded in neurobiology. His research has implications for building new neuroscience-inspired artificial intelligence systems, treatment of brain diseases and development of new neuro-technologies. His work has been published in journals such as Neuron, Nature Communications, and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and has been featured in BBC, CNN, The Economist, The Guardians, The New Yorker, and The Age. He joined Monash after finishing his postdoctoral studies (2012-2018) at the Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging, UCL, UK. He received the B.E. degree in Electrical Engineering (with a Gold Medal) from the N.E.D. University of Engineering & Technology in Pakistan, the M.Sc. degree in Communications Engineering from the University of Technology Aachen (RWTH), Germany, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of New South Wales, Australia in 2012.

Current Appointements


External Funding

Past Appointments

  • Jul 2020 - June 2024: Associate Professor and NHMRC Investigator (Emerging Leadership Fellow)

  • Jan 2018 - Jun 2020: Senior Research Fellow and ARC DECRA Fellow
    Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health
    School of Psychological Sciences
    Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

  • Apr 2011 - Oct 2011: Staff Scientist
    Broadcom Inc.
    Sydney, Australia

  • Jul 2012 - Dec 2017: Associate Professor (mostly on leave for higher studies)
    May 2006 - Jun 2012: Assistant Professor (mostly on leave for higer studies)
    Apr 2002 - Apr 2006: Lecturer (mostly on leave for higher studies)
    Electronic Engineering Department
    NED University of Engg. & Tech., Karachi, Paksitan